San Miguel de Allende and Surroundings

Visit the Colonial Region of Mexico and fall in love with its Architecture


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We found 1 Top Tours in San Miguel de Allende and Surroundings

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My Best Tour to San Miguel de Allende

My Best Tour to San Miguel de Allende

  • 3 days
  • Start: San Miguel de Allende
  • End: San Miguel de Allende
544 usd
Self-guided tours

New tours San Miguel de Allende and Surroundings

My Best Tour to San Miguel de Allende

My Best Tour to San Miguel de Allende

  • 3 days
  • Start: San Miguel de Allende
  • End: San Miguel de Allende
544 usd
Self-guided tours

El Bajío is a geographical area made up of the states of Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas.

It is an area of ​​generous beauty that you can admire in each of the places you go: with various Magical towns like San Miguel de Allende, archaeological sites and areas of cultural interest, they make it the ideal destination for all travelers looking for a complete experience.

From its extensive gastronomy, its high production of wine, dairy and meat products; It is a place where diet is not going to be important, but when you have the option of trying delicious milk sweets, cuts of meat and pairings with wine or beer from artisanal and local processes.

The entire Bajío has both tourist and supply points of interest so that you can enjoy your vacation with everything you need for a comfortable and carefree trip.

From the mummies of Guanajuato, the Sótano de las Golondrinas in San Luis Potosí, the vineyards of Querétaro, the mines of Zacatecas or the cultural and historical heritage, in which frescoes by the muralist José Clemente Orozco and some works from the Art Collection stand out. Popular "Roberto Montenegro" in Jalisco, you will always have options to see and enjoy.

Let's not forget that Jalisco is the most important and well-known production area of ​​a Denomination of Origin with the greatest fame in Mexico: Tequila.

We will also find Mariachi, drowned cakes and beach.

El Bajío has everything to create a unique vacation!

Tour Name Duration Visited Places and Cities From
My Best Tour to San Miguel de Allende 3 days San Miguel de Allende, México 544 usd
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